FREEing Yatsuhakamura figma Tajimi Yozo
八つ墓村 figma 多治見要蔵
Release Date: July 2020
MSRP: 12000円 / USD $79.79 / EUR $73.85 / AUD $127.00 / CAD $114.24 (more info)
Yozo in his outfit with shotgun and sword, ready to go nuts!
FREEing Yatsuhakamura figma Tajimi Yozo
八つ墓村 figma 多治見要蔵
Release Date: July 2020
MSRP: 12000円 / USD $79.79 / EUR $73.85 / AUD $127.00 / CAD $114.24 (more info)
Yozo in his outfit with shotgun and sword, ready to go nuts!