MAX FACTORY Aim for the Top! Gunbuster PLAMAX MF-65 minimum factory Gunbuster Super Inazuma Kick/RX-7 Inazuma Kick Buster Machine Colour Ver. Plastic Kit
トップをねらえ!PLAMAX MF-65 minimum factory ガンバスター スーパーイナズマキック/RX-7 イナズマキック バスターマシンカラーVer. プラスチックキット
Release Date: January 2023
MSRP: 3800円 / USD $25.27 / EUR $23.39 / AUD $40.22 / CAD $36.18 (more info)
Gunbuster in normal colour, making the Super Inazuma Kick, along with RX-7 making the same move.
Some assembly and paintings required.